Monday, September 27, 2010

Taylor Lautner toilet attack...

Taylor Lautner may not be as famous as his Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson but he certainly has his share of Jacob Black fanatics. And apparently, despite his bulk, fans still managed to trap Taylor Lautner in a portable toilet (of all places!) and security had to haul Lautner away from screaming fans!
Taylor Lautner was almost hauled by fans inside a toilet.

Reports say that Taylor Lautner, who plays Jacob Black in the Twilight Saga,  passed by a portable toilet when he heard what he described as female shrieks.
Lautner knocked on the door and asked them if they were alright. Lautner was surprised by  the female fans who managed to get hold of him and tried to drag him to the portable toilet. 

"We love you, Taylor! We just want to talk to you!" chanted the fans, as they attempted to drag Taylor Lautner inside the toilet.

Fortunately for Taylor, the security guards managed to rescue him.


  1. hahaha! wow! that was so.... weird! lol

  2. yeaahh well...Guy should get a nose job done thou

  3. He so ugly but still get women.. how do they do it..

  4. I woulda bashed my way through them, fuck that!
